Cio' che amo di piu' e' la modalità' e possibilità' con cui i visitatori/viaggiatori/
RADICI & DIVULGAZIONE - PERSONE, produttori e consumatori che hanno DECISO di utilizzarne i prodotti CONSAPEVOLI della loro origine territoriale , avviando
rafforzandone gli aspetti cult
SVILUPPO - La valorizzazione e promozione di artigiani enogastronomici come testimonianza e consegna di conoscenze e consapevolezze di quanto ogni terra,metropoli,isola,paese di qualsiasi latitudine e longitudine del mondo sappia far nascere cibo "buono e sano"-
TOUR D'ARTE E ENOGASTRONOMICI - Un'opportunità turistica unica dove associare al "palato, rilevanti essence ed espressioni tradizionali artistiche locali, volte ad evidenziare quella stessa MAESTRIA del luogo.
Food and wine craftsmanships around the world - In the lands that have "taste"
The craftsmanship of food and wine EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD has always and continues to fascinate me.
The EXTRAORDINARY strength of wanting to know how to enhance the riches offered by even the most remote areas!
Small local producers, artisans and farmers at work to present their gastronomic product. Small local companies MOTIVATELY ready to show their work in the field, generated between the natural qualities of their lands and the competence of those who have known and know how to grasp their potential, trying to exploit them to the fullest.
TRADITIONAL PATHS OF AUTHENTIC ARTISANS OF TASTE - I am more and more than enthusiastic to be able to involve any my fellow guest,traveler,visitor in these absolutely genuine experiential paths!
INTERACTION & SHARING - What I love most is the modality and possibility with which visitors / travelers / public will taste and purchase (* appreciating the traditional values) the typical products of the place products based on original recipes and authentic procedures of ancient times, and going through more traditional workshops and manual processes.
ROOTS & DISSEMINATION - PEOPLE, producers and consumers who have DECIDED to use the products AWARE of their own territorial origin, starting and enhancing their cultural and cognitive aspects.
DEVELOPMENT - The enhancement and promotion of food and wine artisans as a testimony and delivery of knowledge and awareness of how much every land, metropolis, island, country of any latitude and longitude in the world knows how to give birth to "good and healthy" food -
ART AND FOOD AND WINE TOURS - A unique tourist opportunity where to associate the "palate" with relevant essence and traditional local artistic expressions, aimed at highlighting that same MASTERY of the place.
The author
Nearly 26Years in Travel and Hospitality
(Cruise,Hotels&Resorts,Events,Destination Guest Guets Activites and Experience)
Experiential Destination & Guest Experience Manager
Tourism Blogger /Podcaster
Travel Host & Ambassador
Cultural Explorer and Enrichment activities Leader
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